I like it.
I bought it for $2 tuesday because… well because I felt like spending 2 dollars… but its deceptively handy. I wouldnt have expected this app to increase my productivity, but it in the few hours Ive had it, it has. Dont listen to the guy who said it doesnt allow you to copy and paste into the app.. It does.. I dont really see how you could think it doesnt. highlight and ⌘v… not too difficult.
One thing though… Xcode, Sparrow, iTerm, Textmate, Word… these apps belong in my dock… a calculator does not … Give me the option to put it in the tool bar, or Im taking away a star. You have a month. Come February 22nd, if this calculator isnt in my toolbar, youll have 4 stars.
And, while Im at it… hot keys would also be much appreciated… I would like to be able to hit ⌘k or something to clear it out
Other than that, great job.
stupidPerson:initWithComplaint about
Handy Calculator